Hadje Davis
Born 10 September 1997

Passed 20 July 2012

Hadje, (Haut-Dee-Ya) was born in Landstuhl, Germany 10 September, 1997 to registered show parents Kitty & Querry the Cairn Terrier trapeze artists.  As a youth she had almost no hair, wisps at best decorated various parts of her until she aged and by then it was more gray than black.  She did however have a huge butt and was called Big Butt by the neighbors there, the only English words they knew for American women.   She showed early signs of being very trainable unlike her idiot brother Toby and was enrolled in obedience classes where she excelled. She was superb at identifying different types of sandwiches you were holding as well as how to position herself to block anyone else from getting close to said sandwich.

When orders came to go back to the states she flew home with mom in a bag under the seat.  She had no passport and was initially mistaken for “Moammar Big Butt” of Libya who was on the Do Not Fly List during security checks but she was eventually allowed on and once in flight she made a daring escape travelling up and down the airplane aisles where luckily she wasn’t mistaken for a terrorist and no one opened the door thinking she had to go out.hadje

She had an insatiable drive to chaseWilsontennis balls for hours.  No other tennis ball would do and she could pick them out of a lineup without fail if you tried to fool her with cheap imitations.  She never met a person she didn’t think loved her and she was a big fan of kids who could toss the ball.  She was a devoted family member for over 14 years who can’t be replaced and will be missed greatly. On a sad note it turns out her real name was spelled Hedja (pronounced the same as Hadje) which we didn’t know until today so no wonder she just stared at me when I called her for all those years.